Stating our power supplies and cables are the best ever would just be preaching for your own parish. Better read the messages we got in our inbox for some constructive impressions!
For testimonials about the Super3 click here. For testimonials about the Super10 click here. For first impressions about the SuperATX protoypes click here. For testimonials about the ‘Chord Dave’ modification click here. For impressions about our DC and AC power cables click here.
Super 3 testimonials
“Hallo Mattijs
Hartelijk dank voor de gedetailleerde uitleg en begeleiding. Je merkt meteen dat je passie hebt voor wat je doet.
Hier zijn een paar eerste indrukken:
1. na het aansluiten van de Super 3 met de standaardkabel was er meteen geen brom te horen. Super
2) Ik draaide een vinylplaat waar ik goede herinneringen aan had. De driedimensionaliteit was meteen beter, er was geen brom te horen. Geweldig
3) Ik schakelde over naar de L2-C kabel. Ik had nooit gedacht dat de ruimtelijkheid en de rust van de muziek konden worden verbeterd! Schitterend
De L2-C kabel blijft voorlopig aan… Nu is het tijd om in het hele “nieuwe” systeem te spelen.
“It so happened that I bought a Farad PS after all. It also happens to be in a sweet pot voltage-wise. 19V, which works well both with the desktop amp I wrote about earlier (originally 17V) and with the headphone amp (24V).
Thank you very much for such a great product! The improvement is significant, and that is compared to the iFi Power Elite ones I was trying with the same amps before.”
“I received my order the other day. I have hooked up the Super3 up to my Music Hall Stealth turntable which is direct drive and already without burn in the results are outstanding. Super3 excited about it. Thank you for your help and support. You guys have a fine quality product and couldn’t be happier about it.”
“I did some listening last night:
Wow; the ease of the musical presentation has greatly improved – no effort – very relaxed, the music now flows freely from the speakers and subs.
Also the sweet spot/central image is natural sounding, wider/ less restricted… I don’t have to be seated exactly in the center. The ‘bubble image’ or sphere effect Is gone. (…with the original USB board, I almost had to lean my head forward ‘into the image’.
– and the Super 3 already added the necessary strength and power
Now with the Pink Faun ultra USB board -I don’t have to lean forward anymore, I can sit and relax. The musical imaging comes to me! That makes the listening Event so much more relaxed. 🥰 Have to tell you, the Pink Faun ultra USB Board is fantastic!
I do want to mention: I think that starting off first, with the Farad Super 3 power supply and the original USB board, and first hearing the power improvement that it made, which took me to the next level. This allowed me to more deeply appreciate the addition of the ultra USB board. Together they are unstoppable.
That combination is the real winner!”
“The parcel arrived today so first of all, thanks for the speedy delivery. What an amazing little box – wider sound stage, better positioning of instruments, deeper bass and it’s added a certain “solidity” to the sound I really like. Very pleased with the purchase.”
“Hi, I receive and install the new adapter level 2 to my Lumin T3 today. I can feel the product is high quality and it was a pita to install while fun at the same time 😊. I just start to listen to some music and I can tell you that I love my sound system. Super happy with this purchase. Big thank you 🙏 continue the good work 😉”
“I replaced the battery of the Chord Mojo with the 8V Farad Super3 and custom Farad JST connector Level 2 cable, now the sound has almost Studio-like quality! You can hear the different layers on electro-acoustic recordings, along the especial clarity. I don’t know why Chord makes new DACs if this one already delivers special sound – with better PSU!”
“My Farad Super3 just gained a new lease of life, powering a Macmini M2! I used the Teradak kit and took the fan out too. Everything stays cool and runs well. Sounds really awesome. After the PSU upgrade, the headphone jack of this Mini compares favourably with my Holo May DAC. I am seriously thinking to sell the DAC, use the Mini as an all-in-one and improve the power as much as I can.”
“I have finally received it and had the opportunity to test it on my equipment. It is truly a revolutionary device that has fully enhanced my home setup in every audio aspect. The soundstage has become even more immersive, the instruments sound more natural and precise, and the sound imaging has become even more spacious. It is truly impressive.”
“I received my super 3 power supply, absolutely best in the business, I will get another one to replace my Nordost Qsource!”
“Works a treat, with better imaging and transparency! Compliments on a wonderful product. Your supply will power a Taiko switch and router as part of a pretty high end system, so I will be happy to share my experience with you.”
“In my system I prefer your copper Level 2 cables above all other DC cables. And I have tested many! I have 4 LPS power supplies for my switches and router. 3 of these LPS’s are already the Farad 3, one still is Plixir.”
“The Aehibrid is different, more relaxed. The Super3 is more dynamic. They both are close and it depends what flavour one likes. I’m returning the Aehibrid and keep my Super3.”
“Hi Mattijs, de Farad staat aangesloten intussen en de noodzaak tot vergelijk met of zonder is volstrekt overbodig. “A limit to your love” van James Blake, een nummer dat mijn vriendin mooi vindt, daarbij viel de stem altijd een fractie weg als de zware bas in kwam. Ik weet dat aan opname. Net als bekkens op de achtergrond bij sommige nummers die niet optimaal gedefinieerd leken. Vast ook opname 😉
Maar alles super strak nu en geen enkel issue meer.Nix opname, gewoon betere voeding. Ik wil best zeggen, ongelofelijk mooie en goede voeding. Dat ding is zijn gewicht in goud waard (en weegt best wat, zoals je weet 😉, lijkt wel solide gietijzer).
Overigens straalt alles kwaliteit uit, ook de kabels. Mooi gebouwd!
Ik ben zelf een techneut en heb lang getwijfeld om dit geld uit te geven aan een voeding, maar dit is niet zo maar een voeding, dit is artwork.
Je begrijpt dat ik over the moon blij ben met de aanschaf? 😉 Ik zou zeggen keep up this good work.
Ik zal in ieder geval geen moment voorbij laten gaan om mijn ervaring met de super 3 te delen met geïnteresseerden. Het lijkt of ik een nieuwe DAC heb.
Prettig weekeinde,
“Hi Mattijs,
Super3 arrived yesterday morning, a welcome day or two earlier than projected. All went without any problem. You were right the earlier consignments with problems were all from outside the EU.
I am well pleased by the natural sound with the Super3 powering my EtherREGEN. Much more satisfying than with the standard Uptone SMPS supply or a Keces DC-116 LPS I already had. Looking forward to any further gains as it breaks in. I am using a Nordost Magus AC cable with a AMR 13amp Gold fuse in the AC plug, which I already had, and will likely upgrade from the Level 1 100cm cable to the level 2 copper. I would have the Synergistic Orange fuse also in mind. Current gear below. LOUNGE:- Lab12 Gordian Power Conditioner>Qobuz Studio>TP-Link RE650 WI-FI Extender>AfterDark Ethernet Cable>EtherREGEN/Farad Super3 PSU>AfterDark Ethernet Cable(1/2 Metre)>Lumin U1 Mini Streamer/LEEDH volume/External PliXiR BDC Elite 12v/4amp PSU>Oyaide DB-510 bnc-bnc Digital cable>MHDT Orchid Dac>Townshend DCT300 Interconnects>Airtight AMT-1S Amp>Townshend Isolda EDCT Speaker Cables>Audium Comp 7 Passive Speakers/Aperion Aluminium Super Tweeters.
LIVING ROOM:-Bluesound Node2i (streamer only)>Oyaide DB-510 bnc-bnc Digital Cable>iFi Retro 50 Dac-Amp>iFi LS3.5 Speakers. Various tweaks in both systems – tubes, footers, grounding, Shakti devices, Furutech fuses, resonance generators.
Best regards,
“My Farad Super 3 was delivered mid-day yesterday and I spent a good part of the day and late into evening in critical listening mode to a broad sampling of recordings/genres. My review is: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Mattijs and your team!
I burned a sizable CD library to lossless digital files in 2011-2012 that are now in a hard drive feeding my Roon Nucleus and it was simply wonderful to hear many of those original redbook recordings brought to life from (noise in my system?) something smothering them somewhat. Since making other changes in my digital streaming system, Tidal playback and internet radio streaming had been decidedly better than the burned CD-digital files. The Farad 3 appears to be pretty much a remedy for that (a digital playback elixir!). This has been an important priority for me to improve, so I am mightily pleased to hear them sing. One example: listened to one early Charles Mingus recording with the Farad – WOW – profoundly better!
I have already decided – even after one day with weeks of burn in to come, I understand – to place an order for an additional power supply (to power my Roon Nucleus+). This could I know seem hasty or evidence of upgrade greed but I am older (73) with my full share of health issues and am strongly of the mind that there is little time to waste.
Again, thank you so very much for your wonderful electronics!”
“Ik heb een geweldig weekend achter de rug en dat allemaal dankzij jouw Farad Super3 voeding……..😄 WAT EEN VERSCHIL…….ik hoorde het al na 5 seconden…….ik was toch wel behoorlijk verbaasd, dat het zo’n verschil was met de sBooster. Jouw Farad degradeert de sBooster tot een adapter waar je hooguit je gsm nog mee kunt opladen…….(beetje overdreven……😂) maar je begrijpt wat ik bedoel ..”
“We zijn inmiddels een week of 5 verder op m’n eerste Farad en 3 weken op de 2e. Maar wat een mooie voeding heb je gebouwd zeg, wow. De grootste veranderingen zijn wel achter de rug, maar ik hoor nog steeds dat het geluid verbetert, de verfijning neemt steeds verder toe. Wat een rust in het beeld, wat een oorverdovende stilte in het niks, wat een ruimte, geweldig mooi.”
“Received the Farad and cable today. Powered it up on the Pro-ject RS2 CD-Box for 3h before I listened to it. Instantly it put a smile on my face! It’s soooo good! Instruments are easily placed in space. I hear deep into the decay of strings and percussion. And it’s only day 1. Thank you so much for this excellent product and you are such a pleasure to deal with.”
“I tried it on my Sonore Optical Rendu! It’s unbelievable! I tested only a little but very happy with it already! Thank you for creating such magic!”
“After 24h, the Farad is driving the Lumin very nicely. It’s smooth and refine. Instrument separation is wonderful. Vocal is thick and bass is meaty. It still has some breaking in to go”
“Product received and surprise me the huge improvement. Now, enjoying the music with smile^^”
“This is just to confirm that the cable arrived safely today and to thank you once again for your excellent service. It’s good to have the Farad supply back in my system (now supplying the ADOT system instead of the old 8Switch – which I recently sold).
You were right – the Farad is far better than the standard supplied linear power supply – everything’s much richer, more detailed and more atmospheric now. I’m a very happy customer!”
“Hi, het staat staat hier te spelen zoals het nog nooit gepeeld heeft, ongelofelijk wat een verbetering. Ik wist niet dat het zo kon klinken: veel rustiger, scheiding van instrumenten en details die ik niet eerder hoorde. Helemaal top. Nu nog de level-2 koper kabel proberen.”

“I received my 2 Super 3’s today. I must tell you I replaced my SOtM LPS with your Super 3 LPS and I was completely gobsmacked with how much better the Super 3 was in comparison. I could hear so much deeper into the music with a clear and black background. Simply amazing! I can’t imagine how the Super 10 can be better. I am willing to find out. I would like to buy 2 Super 10’s with a 19V and 9V with level 2 100cm silver cable to 2.5, when they are available. I didn’t think there would be that much of a difference with an LPS!”

“This is stunning, absolutely transcendent. No other way to describe the transformation from the stock SMPS. It’s been so long since I broke in one of your Super3s that I’ve forgotten so please remind me: how long do they continue to improve? I seem to recall a week or two. Thanks again!”
“The PSU and cable did not yet burn in, but compared to my previous SBooster MK2 powering my RME ADI-2 Pro FS the Farad definitely sounds more on point”
A good example of the excellent Hf noise properties of a Farad Super3 in action. It outperforms a battery by reducing the 10 Hz offset noise near the carrier frequency of an OCXO clock by around 6 dB.
“I just wanted to send my thanks for making a product of this quality.
The Super3 has now been up and running for 4 days and I am sitting listening to the MScaler today for the first time. The change is very apparent and enjoyable. The cleanliness of the sound is insane. Everything sound bigger, more present and grain free.”
“Ik ben flink verrast tussen de verschillen tussen de voedingen. De Farad walst over de Sbooster heen. Ik realiseer me dat de Farad nog niet ingespeeld is, maar de rust, vloeiendheid, diepte, dynamiek en waanzinnige hoeveelheid lucht om de instrumenten heen is absurt. Piano klanken zweven, saxofoon klinkt krachtiger en dat zonder druk. Achtergrond geluiden staan hoger en echt vast. Tonen zijn veel zachter en natuurlijker. Het hele geluidsbeeld is ontspannender. Ik ben al jaren met mijn geluid bezig en had niet verwacht dat de Sbooster zo ingehaald zou worden. Begrijp met niet verkeerd, ik ga van een goed gebalanceerde set, naar een extreem goede set. Op een laag volume is er meer controle en het is beter in balans. Gaaf man!”
“The Super3 5v unit arrived and sounds great. Strange what a large difference it makes to power an external SSD with good power!”
“I am very happy with my new Farad! I received it last Monday, and I have been listening to it for a week on my Allo USBridge Sig. It provides a substantial improvement to my system – I am hearing more clarity and detail, stronger bass, and vocals are more lively.”
“Thanks, I’m sure you hear this all the time, but I bought one of your supplies a month ago and the quality of the construction of the LPS and the cables is very impressive. The sound improvement to my Etherrgen was significant. This is my second for my AfterDark 10Mhz clock. Thanks for your quality design and workmanship!”
“My new lps is excellent, Mattijs! I’ve got it connected to my roon Nucleus which is connected through Ethernet to my router and it still sounds great. I didn’t think I’d be able to tell a difference, but it’s striking.”
“Kudos to you and a great product. I connected it to my EtherRegen, and the impact was immediate on the first song. More air around instruments, especially cymbals, horns, etc.. I normally use the piano as my baseline and it does not disappoint. I’ve only 3 hours on it so far. It really highlights how good the beryllium tweeters are in my Salk BEATS.
I’ve no experience with upgraded fuses, but the purple fuse, along with the Furutech & level 2 cable sound incredible on my system. My Cary Audio integrated & Denefrips Pontus lean slightly warm and I do believe the silver cable added some speed. It is a very good combination.
Next up I will be 1 more for Lumin U1 mini to compare against my my Uptone JS-2 LPS. Either way, I can use one or the other on the modem and/or router/switch.”
“The Super3 is here from Thursday, TT2 is completely in another league, Now the RCA output is what I prefer. More extension, elegance, focus, detail. Wow!”
“That’s it. The second Farad in my system is a BIG improvement like the first one. The farad beams the little Lumin really one or two class higher. Thank you for your wonderful power supplies, Mattijs. I have had here Sonore, Keces Power supplies etc… but yours are really outstanding.”
“Just a short feedback. I use the Farad Super3 now for my FRITZ!Repeater 3000. This is connected via LAN to my new Matrix Audio X-Sabre 3. Not to believe… Much, much better than the stock power adapter.”
“My Farad with the purple fuse is broken in now. First off, the SR Purple fuse is an improvement over the Orange fuse in The Super 3, and more so than I expected even when it was first installed in place of the Orange before the The Super 3 was broken-in. I also own the LPS which won the Audio Bacon shootout award and, at least in my system with my favorite music, it can’t hold a candle to the Farad Super 3 powering my Roon Nucleus.
Thank you for designing such a great sounding product.”
“As an ‘experiment’ I replaced a Siltech Cristal Standard with A Farad Powercord on my Aurender N20. That proofed to be a huge improvement. More soave, balance and finally got rid of an over-bright edge. Order is placed…”
“Thank you. The farad 3 is amazing. It brings my Brooklyn dac+ to another level. Smooth detail nice deep bass. Love it.”
“Farads installed in my technical room with router, audiophile switch etc. Mostly Ansuz cabling and Furutech distributor.
Elevated streaming experience for both audio and video to a new level :)”

“We would like to add: When one just isn’t enough!”
Review Audio Bacon did a very nice video on our Super3 amongst other power supplies. Praising its quality in performance, build, small footprint and important, its neutrality. The Super3 proofed to be a bit too natural for his personal taste and set-up. Neutrality bringing a natural sound, precisely what we want from our playback systems!
Watch the video from 07:33 here
“Thanks for making such a wonderful power supply. I used to use a Uptone Audio JS-2 to feed my Jcat USB EX. The improvement brought by the super3 is substantial! Bigger soundstage, more clarity, deeper punches!!! The sound is now so much more organic and real! Just ordered and paid for my second super3 (maxed out) and level 2 copper cable.”
“For the power supply, I own an Uptone Audio JS-2 and a Sean Jacobs DC3 too. With my former speakers they were less or more equivalent to the Farad with few shades of difference. Now I have a new pair of high efficently speakers at 105 db and, with these, Farad is clearly better, more quiet, more dynamic. This is the reason why I buy another one.”
“In response to reviews I bought a Paul Hynes SR4T for the EtherRegen. A solid progress in quality, especially in combination with a SR Orange fuse.
However, curiosity about the Farad Super3 kept lingering. Could it be another step forward? A Super3 12V together with a level 2 dc cable and SR Orange fuse was ordered to make a direct and final comparison with the Paul Haynes SR4T. Differences were clear from the very second the Super3 was set up and after a prolonged period of burning in and sonic comparisons the verdict was clear: Farad Super3 on top!
The soave, flow and easiness, the beautiful and rich mid-range, the layered and controlled bass, detailed highs and resolution in context with a ‘live’ feeling were decisive. I find it somewhat difficult to describe, but I guess this must be the illusive ‘high-end’ feel we are all looking for…”
“The Farad power supply is still breaking in on the Sonore OpticalRendu, but I do find it as an improvement over the Paul Hynes PSU. The sound is clearer and with less ‘digital noise’ so I am going to keep it. I might even buy another when/if I have sold the Paul Hynes PSU.”
“Farads are 7 days in use. It is big improvement compared to HDPlex 200W. Actually, took a short listening session out of the box, than 7 days burnin and it is so fluid and so relaxed sound. Great product!”
“Actual I provide my Sonore optical module with an Uptone JS-2. The Farad should be better. In the last two cases the both Farad sounds better at my server and my router in comparison to the JS-2. So I think in this case the Farad will also sounds better providing my optical module in comparison with the JS-2… The Farad arrived today in good condition! Running some hours and the first impression is better than JS-2. Better deep impression picture, more details and natural.”
“Thank you for the PDF manual instructions (for the Lumin U1 cable set). I was able to follow your instructions and it works perfectly!!! I am now enjoying listening to music and everything works well! The sound is amazing, detailed highs, and controlled bass. Just absolutely incredible. Thank you and I appreciate your help once again.”
“Just to let you know that I am delighted with the Farad 3 power supply. It has transformed the sound from my Chord Scaler.
I have made numerous upgrades to my HiFi system over the years and this is the best value upgrade I have ever made…”
“Hi Mattijs, just thought I’d write to let you know how delighted I am with the Super3 LPS. As you know I got the basic Super3 with Level 1 copper umbilical for my Mutec MC3+USB having removed the SMPS and fitting a 2.5mm jack (using soft annealed solid core silver wire internally) to take an external LPS. This change has redefined what I thought digital audio was capable of, seeming to remove a layer of noise I wasn’t previously aware was even there allowing more fine detail to shine through. I don’t mean just additional artifacts from recording such as someone talking in the recordings booth though that is audible too, though rather the entire tonality of instrumentation has become more real and lifelike with great body to the sound and improved bass response. Further more there’s an increase in PRaT and sound staging…. really it’s hard to describe things in the usual terms as things have just become so incredibly lifelike. Smooth and grain free. This change really has been mind blowing.
I’ve now ordered the Level 2 copper umbilical and it will be interesting to see what difference this brings”
“Tests réalisés en streaming avec Audirvana sur un mac mini audiophile équipé de toutes les dernières versions de filtre usb de la firme de Mariposa /Californie avec leur alimentations ( SMPS +Ultracap ).
A ce stade de finalisation d’une configuration, nous pouvons constater que ces alimentations semblent se compléter dans la mesure où elles appartiennent à la “même famille de super batteries ” en utilisant une mise à la terre particulière pour drainer les pollutions et des composants électroniques haut de gamme.
Cette Super 3 est elle capable de repousser encore plus loin la qualité sonore déjà obtenue? Sur le fameux switch de couleur noire au même format minimaliste de cette même marque:
A) Nous avons d’abord comparé une Farad S3 d’origine avec une autre commandée avec l’embase Furutech en Rhodium:
– les électroniques citées en amont du switch avait déjà travaillé la scène sonore: les deux Farad vont plus loin, mais celle avec l’embase upgradée donnent encore plus de détails et de fluidité.
(pour mesurer cette amélioration, le théâtre des singes d’Hadouk Trio me paraît être un des meilleurs exemples même si il n’y a pas de voix pour mesurer le détourage qui s’opère en parallèle).
B) Puis nous avons commandé un câble en Y niveau 1 en sortie des électroniques: le rendu est encore plus naturel avec plus de transparence pour l’embase upgradée sans percevoir de dureté (sans doute en raison du rhodium).
Comme indiqué ci-dessus, le travail préalable réalisé sur les boucles de masse(…) nous a même autorisé sans dégrader la qualité sonore à connecter aussi la box( avec respect de l’ampérage de sortie) : cela permet de renforcer le caractère analogique- si nécessaire ! – du rendu de nombreux enregistrements en ligne pas toujours de qualité équivalente.
Il nous reste à réaliser de nouveaux tests à partir du câble secteur, la Farad S3 upgradée est en outre encore plus réactive à son changement.
Autrement dit, ce boîtier offre manifestement de nombreuses possibilités d’évolutions en adaptant au goût de chacun et au potentiel dû à la cohérence du travail préparatoire effectué sur l’ensemble des maillons(pour la partie de la configuration dévoilée ci-dessus , je fais allusion au travail de modification d’un mac mini ajouté à celui réalisé par Audirvana qui se cumulent pour éviter les bruits électriques dégradant le son).
Il paraît donc plus intéressant de commander directement le boîtier avec cette embase modifiée.
L’envoi sur la Réunion étant offert cela a très peu d’influence en terme de prix et la société chargée de l’expédition est sans doute la plus sérieuse pour de simples particuliers, passionnés.
Pour finir, sur cet aspect professionnel, je tiens à remercier Mattijs, pour ses conseils préalables aux commandes dans le plus grand respect des choix du client.
Encore une “petite” société avec une très grande maîtrise de quelques produits dédiés au haut de gamme pourtant accessible aux amateurs éclairés de qualité sonore.
J.L & P.”
“I just want to mention that using a Farad for my Matrix made a remarkable improvement and what really surprised me was using one for the ER almost made as much difference. You can quote me on that.
Once again, thank you for making such an excellent product.”
“I would like to congratulate you for your Farad super3 PSU. I’ve bought one for my Bluesound Node 2i streamer. Top sound with it!”
“Great product, definitely hear a fair difference – even considering the TT2 is a great product anyway. I’m not into the jargon but all I can say is that things just sound ‘better'”
“I received the LPS early this week, so just after a few days of playing I really have been impressed. The super 3 is imposing a totally black background! So the sound is more detailed but musical at the same time, bass is better controlled and fast!!”
“Wow! Not subtle, your LPS takes the Antilope Amari to a whole other level as a mastering converter. Much appreciated!”
“My Farad arrived yesterday. I am pleased to inform you that it makes my Matrix Audio X-SDIF 2 sound absolutely incredible. Huge upgrade from the Uptone power supply. Everything is so much more life-like and very natural. It’s exciting to hear these differences on the day I set it up, as I know it will continue to improve as it burns in.”

“Farads arrived Monday, were plugged in and A/B tested yesterday. Unbelievable what I’m hearing with the Chord gear. It sounds insanely good! ”
“When I connected the Super3 magic appeared, and I can hear the benefit of the power supply and switch, its better sounding now than when I auditioned the dCS clock added to my Vivaldi DAC, which costs around $18,000…so all in all, a nice cost savings, to get me to an even better sound quality. I am a believer.”
“I just wanted you to know that I am enjoying the Super3 with the Legacy Wavelet! It makes the presentation smoother and more coherent and eliminated some noise I hadn’t even realized was there. Definitely worth the upgrade. Thanks again for adding to the enjoyment of the system.”
“De mensen van Farad power supplies waren zo behulpzaam om de Super3 voeding op mijn Lumin T2 te monteren. Daarna snel naar huis en luisteren maar. Na een dag luisteren ben ik pas een beetje bij gekomen van de verbazing. Bizar wat een opwaardering van mijn Lumin T2 deze voeding maakt. Het is echt zo goed hoorbaar. Veel meer detaillering een mooier en strakker laag, bizar. Zo veel meer muziek. Ik kan het een ieder aanbevelen om toch het geld er voor uit te geven. Je krijgt er echt veel muziekbeleving voor terug!”
“Already had UpTone UltraCap 1.2 for the Matrix, decided to move it to the EtherRegen and went all in for the Matrix X-SPDIF2. Now listening with Farad Super 3 (6V, SR Orange fuse, Furutech Rhodium AC inlet, Siltech SPO-18M into P10) & a DC cable Level 2 silver (AQ Diamond hdmi > DS). Just about 20 hours on it now with staggering(!) results. Starting with the Matrix as a nice affordable upgrade turned out otherwise, I can’t live without it anymore.”
“The Super3 is currently powering the Uptone EtherRegen, where it replaced the original SPS. I just planned to start there to let it settle for a week and then swap it with the Sbooster on my Matrix SPDIF-2. I did not expect to hear THAT change. Wow. The system is more quiet, refunded, micro details like string plugging etc. are clearer. Amazing! Wonderful. And: it will be hard for me to take it out there… 🙂 Great product, man! So I better start saving on another unit…”
“Curious to find out what a linear PS could bring to a laptop (HP Envy 13) driving a simple USB DAC (Meridian Explorer II), as the on-board battery sounded like NiMH batteries I once -and shortly- used for tubes in fixed bias: sluggish. A bit of a gamble but hey, for science! Well, what the Super3 brings proved to be quite exciting, be it the general improvement as described in fast majority of the testimonials: more headroom/dynamics, soave yet lively sound, extended audioband and an increase of the stage in all directions. More musical and analytical at the same time bringing this set-up to quite an unexpected level in reproducing music. Recommended for all tied to a simular set-up!”
“The Super3 replaced the stock wallwart SMPS of my Netgear Orbi router and it immediately improved the sound of my system. After a week or so it got even better, I suppose the silver cable needed a bit more burn-in. I have SOtM and Keces PSUs in my system but the Super3 clearly plays in a superior league. I think I will come back and order another one in the very near future.”
“As promised my sound impression. To make it short: It`s a miracle! I never thought that the sound improvement could be so extreme and so great! With the Farad power supply my RME ADI-2-DAC jumps on a level that renders irrelevant any objection like “are you crazy? It`s nearly the price of your DAC”! Music is now so natural, so deep and clear that listening for hours and hours is an extraordinary pleasure. Thank you so much for this perfect device!”
“I received the package today. Connected it right away and wow… what a great power supply. It replaces an SBooster on my S100 switch by Melco… An incredible great upgrade! Rest, details and involvement… it just makes music.. That’s what it is all about isn’t it!”
“The Level 2 silver cable arrived yesterday. It really is as if I had put in a new LPS, what a difference it makes. I have been fighting digital noise for a long time and now that I finally have both the EtherREGEN Switch and the Modem-Router placed in my Rack with two Farad Super3 and both with two Shunyata AlphaNR cables connected to my Shunyata Denali 6000 V2, I have the best sound I’ve ever had. I’m very happy.”
“Your power supply is awesome, nothing comparable with the ones I tried before. Great upgrade for my Roon Nucleus! I’m listening to music now with a big grin on my face. Amazing how good they are. Thanks so much!
“I was fortunate to be able to acquire a used Super3 this week exactly like the one I just ordered. It is powering my Chord TT2. This is the greatest improvement in timbre reproduction I have heard from a digital upgrade. It’s like I have a new DAC. I can’t wait to hear how much better it gets when the new one arrives and powers my M-Scaler. Thank you for making such a great product available for such a reasonable price!”
“A week passed since I received your PSUs and installed them in my system. Well, count me impressed! I had different LPSUs in my system, but Farads are the best. Sound is not only darker (in a good way) and smoother, like I’ve heard with other PSUs. Now it’s much more dynamic and real. I was expecting good performance, Super3 is not cheap after all. But it was a pleasant surprise how big could be the difference. I hate audiophile cliche, but this is exactly the case for it – three Super3s brought my system’s sound to another level. Also, these units runs cooler than any other LPSU I’ve had before.”
“Heb half april de Farad power supply bij je gekocht. Ik gebruik hem op mijn kpn experiabox modem/router ter vervanging van een sbooster. Break-in tijd leek een eeuwigheid te duren, pas na ruim 6 weken veranderde het geluid niet meer. Ben nu meer dan tevreden. Grote upgrade in vergelijking met de sbooster. Weet niet wat ik hoor.. Meer dynamiek, meer lucht en ruimte, timbres veel natuurlijker. Muziek klinkt nu veel meer als live muziek en echter. Dank!”
“Made some huge steps forward with the Farads! The Pink Faun I2S bridge gives a really great digital throughput to my system feeding it separately with the 5V Farad Super3. Same counts for the other 12V Super3 which now is connected to an Anti-Mode 2.0 dual core for correcting my low frequencies. For the first time I find my system playing from top to bottom at absolute phenomenal level. Top!! Unique music experience has now come to my home!”
“I connected the Farads to the Hugo TT2 and M Scaler, …and enjoyed beautiful music the rest of the evening. It got late… The sound quality improved, from really great to fantastic. I feel the dynamics got better, blacker background, more open, more musical in essence. I put the new Farad on the TT2 first and then on the M Scaler. I think the effect was largest on the TT2, but I will not test the opposite combination. The Farads will always be connected to both Chord products from now on 🙂 Thank you for a fantastic product, again raising the sound quality and enjoyment of music!”
“Just a note to let you know that the Super3 yielded great results when supporting the Uptone EtherRegen. In my system more improvement adding the 12v Super3 than initially adding the EtherRegen with the provided SMPS.”
“Very happy with this Farad Super3, it replaces a SBooster on my 432 EVO Essence, and yes, it is very audible: More deep and focused bass, easier and more present mids and more fluid highs. In contrast with the SBooster, which already is a not bad at all supply, a serious step forward. Thanks a lot. It also looks good and has nice weight, top device.”
“I received my 18V Super3 yesterday and have been using it with my iFi Pro iDSD dac. I’m so glad I took the gamble as my DAC has never sounded this good and I only have had Super3 powered for 24 hours. Super3 brings a touch of smoothness and warmth to my system, which I’ve been after for a long time now. Many times those values come with compromises on other aspects in the sound, but not this time. Thank you for a great product and kind regards.”
“Thank you for the PDF manual instructions (for the Lumin U1 cable set). I was able to follow your instructions and it works perfectly!!! I am now enjoying listening to music and everything works well! The sound is amazing, detailed highs, and controlled bass. Just absolutely incredible. Thank you and I appreciate your help once again.”
“I have been burning in my new Farad Super3 on my SOtM tX-USBUltra and it is a definite improvement over both the sPS-500 Ultra and the TLS Linear Power supply I used to use. Increase in blackness of background. More ease and subtlety. But no less authority. Really well made as well. Thanks to all for recommending these power supplies to me.”
“Sound is initially stable on the Sonore Rendu player, relaxed and a high degree of details. Tighter and more defined bass is what I notice the most. Is better to give fuller timbre. Cymbals gets more texture and definition in the attack.”
“Last week I bought a Farad Super3. It’s a 12V version to use with my Nuc7i5dnke running Euphony. Before the Farad I used a new version HDplex 200w. There really is no comparison. The Farad is superb! Much more grip and ease, it’s dead quit, much more details and beautiful decays, etc, etc…”
Marja & Henk –
“First we used this Farad brick with the non-plus DAC. That was an easy improvement. The stage illusion was far more realistic in all three dimensions while the Zu Submission subwoofers were now properly set to work. When we swapped the silver DAC for the black DAC+, the external power supply proved its added value again and lifted the sound to another level. In our case the gap between the far more expensive T+A DAC8—which is a pure DAC without any extra functionality—and the Mytek/Farad combination was at least halved.” Read the full review here.”
“Mini PC with Intel N3700 1.6 GHz, 8 mb, Windows 10 fall creators update, iFI Dac iDSD micro, Beyerdynamic headphone DT990.
Farad 12Vdc against standard switched supply: Substantial more easy sound and soundstage, more involvement, more PRAT.
Farad 5Vdc on the iFi Dac: Even more relaxed sound, higher involvement, more initmate sound, more PRAT, higher transparancy in soundstage.”
“I’ve connected the Super3 to my PS Audio P-20 as a power source, and the combo has been delivering DC to my SoTM USBultra for the past few days. Still far from the 200+ hrs burn-in time, but it’s already sounding really good!”
“The Farad Super 3 and the SOtM Ultra Neo are a synergistic match. Your upgraded DC cable was the last to sonically break in, but once it did everything fell in place on all parameters. What is interesting is that, at least in our system, digital is finally presented in an intrinsically musical manner without discernible deficit. Musically, a digital “Linn Sondek” moment. A first for us; paradigm shift I think.”
“What a special power supply you got ready for me! Wasting no time I connected it by means of the level 2 cable to the Aquavox AQ-Switch-SE. During the morning and early afternoon it became obvious Farad brings a lot to the sound quality. Improved transients (ie. key touches on piano). A much better positioning of the musicians in the soundstage. Bass has charming organic qualities, more power and definition. The organic balance, voices, flow and the pitch black background of the soundstage… what else can I add to this? An outstanding product!”
“First reaction, using the Anti-Mode 2.0 Dual Core: WOW!”
“Thanks for the Farad Super3 in use with my Mitchell turntable. It really adds to the total image. Great flowing and balanced sound with a much higher resolution. Happy with the purchase!”
“That Farad supply really is a super cool product. I connected it to my Chord DAC, and the difference is more than just a difference. Easiness, silence and purity improved a lot. I do not like using superlatives, it just isn’t digital anymore. Sound became “analog”! Thanks for this beautiful product.”
“With the arrival of the Farad supplies all my network components are now linear supplied. From the first tone it is clear the NAD M12 receives a very clean Ethernet signal. It is clear that a medium class DAC/pre can play at top level. I think these devices gain the most in their digital areas. The result of the reclocking and conversion to optical, and using the AQvox switch, is above expectations and I had high expectations already.. Thanks!”
“Fired it up and it sounds amazing even after just a few hours… Right off the bat, you designed an LPS that reflects quality. With the 5.5/2.5, very hard to build that cable and make it look like you did not hack something together…you thought about it… If you did it great work, if one of your team did it… Thank them for me, quality is so important. Thanks for getting it here for weekend enjoyment. You ROCK! You made me very happy today. Thank You!”
Super10 testimonials
“Also I made an expensive listening test. I took my Farad Super10 from my Lumin Processor and tried it with the Melco S100 Switch in our big studio with Magico M6. And the difference to the Super3 is shocking… this power supply is a beast! So I need another Farad Super10 with the Level 3 copper cable 80cm 2.1mm”
“After years of frantically trying out everything everywhere, I finally found peace of mind.”
“If it wasn’t such a bad joke I’d say: plays Super, such a 10! Already performs really well and the gains in comparison to my old power supply feeding the Nuclues+ are enormous! Totally happy!”
“I think haha where the unit is atm… you need to increase the price of it 2-3 fold! It is starting to make a crazy good impact to my system. The synergy between the unit and the qsa fuse I have is off the charts! I knew the uptone was limiting the system right at the source but I didn’t imagine this much 🙂
After a few weeks of Super10 between the Pink Faun Ultra and Sonnet Pasithea I would like to acknowledge (again) you designed and build a truly majestic product that delivers a phenomenal musical experience. Afyer a week of burn-in I thought the performance would peak – NOT. The musical qualities keep on developing for a extended period – for a month at least I’d say. The results are best compared to live music played at the highest level. Insane detailing and resolution, presence of tone, dynamics, staging and the naturalness… Top!
Right out of the box it sounds worlds better on my NUC vs the $1000 SMPS I used to have!!! Pitch black background and nice but very fast transients and wonderful round bottom end, very nice.
“Knowing the impact of a quality supply, this took things beyond that. The 3D soundstage is big, the sound very relaxed without ever loosing excitement or tension in the music itself. Details and dynamics become integral part of the whole picture. All of this coming from an inky black background. A special LPS for sure…”
SuperATX testimonials
“In comparison with the HD Plex 400 W supply I normally use, it becomes instantly clear the SuperATX is really dead quiet when it somes to general noise. The sounds presents itself in a stage that is more 3D, more ‘airy’ and very controlled. This should be a hands down recommendation for everyone who wants to build a super PC. Great!”
Dave Modification testimonials
Customer – Modification with Super10

“Compared to the Chord Dave modification with the Super3, the whole presentation is more alive. I would say with more apparent details and it somehow seems faster. The soundstage seems deeper and its easier to pick up spacial cues. Lack of digital artifacts which was already great with Super3 is pushed out so much it does not sound as a digital source anymore. I did a retest of Super10 vs stock SMPS just for fun and I’m very happy with the results. Just no comparison.”

Customer – Modification with Super3
“I’ve left the Super3 modification on Dave running 24/7 for the last 2 weeks and then I did the A/B listening session of Farad vs SMPS.There is just no contest here. Literally every aspect of the presentation got better. Calmness, timber, more air, better and more defined bass, etc.
Then I tried to put the Siltech Mountain II on the +5V. To my surprise this pushed the sound quality even further. So I tried a 2nd Siltech Mountain II on +15V, but there was almost no difference vs Farad power cable. Using 2nd Siltech on the -15V made the presentation just slightly more open, but nothing dramatic.”
Customer – Modification with Super3
“Hello Mattijs, just wanted to let you know the power supplies have given the DAVE a new life! Totally transformed! It sounds absolutely fantastic. Thank you for the upgrade!”
Customer – Modification with Super10

“The S10 is great, indeed gives the dave even more detail and stage depth with a greater sense of realism. Try to completely remove the mscaler, off and out of the chain. This will improve the whole system even more. The scaler tends to add a digital haze… always. Once the system is up to parr this will emerce much more. Great system👍🏻”
Customer – Modification with Super3
“I found the Farad3 upgrade to be substantial. I tried the Chord Mscaler with the Dave but found the delta improvement to be much more significant with the Farad3. It sounds like a Dave 2.0. No joking. Sounds come from the ether. Noise floor is imperceptible. Reverb tails last longer. Bass is more nuanced. Timbre is better. Increased microdetail. Honestly I’m surprised with the upgrade. Didn’t think this was possible after hearing the slight improvements when I went with M-Scaler.
Currently just using the solo Dave and sounds much better.
Added bonus is that the Dave runs cool to the touch. No more cooking eggs on the device :P. I’m sure this will help it last longer as well. Overall, I am extremely happy with the purchase.”

Customer on – Modification with Super3
“I Just finished the Farad Super3 install. Pretty easy.
First impressions on Farad Super3 PSU. Amazing. I agree with the assessment of calling it a Dave+. I would say 50% performance delta. First thing I heard was smoothness with added clarity. Like a high end analog gear. Music comes out of a black hole. I am now a firm believer of clean, good power.
Now time to clean up mu source from RF noise and I’m in audio nirvana.”
Customer – Modification with Super3
“After 2 weeks of constantly playing music on the dave with the new farad lps with some constant intervals I listened to the same pieces of music but also tried to analyze some amazing songs that I know very well. Bass has gotten a different character besides more presence and strength on almost all tracks shifted to a more sole identity of that bass.
The opportunity is also much more there to just focus on for example a voice or violin and tell your brain to cancel out the rest of the music. It almost feels like looking direct into the eyes of the artist.
From a technical point of view, what i always tend to approach due to the way i am, I expected the amplifier to have the most control over transients and power of a song. But I now start to realize that the beginning of the chain probably has much more influence as i expected. And is much more important.
Listening on low volumes also gives much more satisfaction. The deep dynamic character of the music stays much more sustained than before and with higher volumes.Spacious songs, live and where room ambiance is present got a lot more ease or less fatigue, how you approach that i guess and have become much more musical.Effortless listening to music and fatigueless on higher volumes, instruments are sliding 3D through your ears creating an absurde realistic stage and image in front of you. Jaw dropping without exaggerating everytime and it’s getting better with small steps after 7/8 days now.
Also below -24dB in my system the dave seems to find to level out its max dynamic range it seems that’s sort of a sweet spot were everything has maximum depth stage and realism.
Kudos for farad.”
Customer – Modification with Super3
“Well, my conclusion is in. The Farad upgrade to the DAVE is mandatory! 😀 You know from my past purchases, that I’m a fan of your power supplies; they have upgraded everything I’ve plugged them into, and so I was happy to blind-buy the DAVE upgrade with the expectation that improvements would be heard.
My benchmark is actually vinyl these days. Having taken a 20 year break from vinyl, to pursue the digital dream, I started listening again about three years ago. Fortunately, I never sold my record collection and out of curiosity decided to give a record a spin, and for the first time in 20 years I heard MUSIC! Yes, vinyl is flawed and, yes, digital does many things better, but it also seems to “break” MUSIC too, at least to my ears. So, for the past three years, while enjoying mainly vinyl, I’ve been pushing my digital gear to try and catch up. Step by step I’ve improved it, but it still falls behind vinyl. (Note: this is only true for full analogue vinyl – modern digital vinyl can sound good, but it loses the MAGIC of the full analogue pressings). I’ve always liked Chord’s DACs, and I think that Rob Watts, the guy behind them, has created the best sounding DACs. Looking at his philosophy, it seems to me that he’s discovered what is missing and is trying to “fix” it. The stuff missing is timing information that we now understand is critical to our brains when listening to music. This information is fully present in vinyl, which is why to me it sounds more musical. Or at least, that’s my theory, anyway. As good as the DAVE is, I still perceive issues when playing digital compared to vinyl. Vinyl has a 3D soundstage and transients are incredible: think the Tubular Bell clang on Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells, or Maxwell’s Silver Hammer strikes on Beatles Abbey Road, or just the rim shots of a drummer. On vinyl these sound real – the instruments are in the room with you. Not so on digital – the edges are blurred and the sound is an imitation of the real thing. On vinyl, singers are standing in front of you – physically present in the room. With digital, there is a ghost standing in front of you – their voice is there, but not their body. With the DAVE, some of the 3D is also lost and their is a slight veil to the sound. With the Farads, this is all vastly improved. Singers now stand in front of you. Weight and presence transforms the ghost. Transients are now *much* snappier. A veil is gone and the depth is amazing. Bass detail (something digital is much better at) is hugely improved. Bass notes are brought into clear focus and weight is added. All added up this is a huge improvement. I spent three hours going through my demo tracks with a big smile on my face. Every track was improved in significant ways. People haven’t heard what the DAVE is capable of until they have upgraded their power supplies. This is now DAVE+! I could go on an on, but you get the picture”
Costumer – Modification with Super3
“Currently experiencing the predicted beginning of the slight glare rollercoaster that always ensues with anything that involves Furutech rhodium and also silver cables. (It’s always worth it in the end!) I’ve been through it many times before and appreciate your candid assessment of burn in time; many manufacturers deny that it even exists! About the mod.. this is stunning, absolutely transcendent. No other way to describe the transformation from the stock SMPS. It’s been so long since I broke in one of your Super3s that I’ve forgotten so please remind me: how long do they continue to improve? I seem to recall a week or two. Thanks again!”
Farad DC Cable testimonials
“After 2 weeks and maybe 150 hours of play, the level 2 silver DC cable is showing itself as an amazing cable. Never thought that a DC cable could have such a huge impact- more than any other cable and I have some very high end cables elsewhere. Thanks for taking the trouble to make a special cable for the Plixir.”
Farad Power Cable testimonials
“Just to let you know the cable sounds beautiful in my system. Already had one connected to my sub-woofer. The new one drives the PS Audio Regenerator. Great open sound with a sold fundament. In combination with the SR Purple: simply great!”