A New 6 Amps Benchmark
ranging from 5 to 24V - all the control, all the musicality
We listened...
...outside the box
"What have we learned from our first DIY schematics, to the launch of our reference Super10? That’s for your ears to hear when listening to the Super6. Would we reveal too much when we would rave about the Super6’s musicality, its control, its spatious musical representation, its ability to free the spirit of music itself? We’re pretty sure you’ll think we haven’t exaggerated a single word…
And listened...
...inside the box
All high quality components in an optimal implementation - we build the Super6 to our very own standards: ‘we like to play with this in our own set-ups’. This is what you might and should expect from Farad power supplies. Have a look in the Anatomy section to find out why the Super6 stands out against its competitors.
Anatomy of your Super6 Power Supply
Highlighting the fundamentals of it’s performance
Hf Pi-filter smoothing section
Low ESR capacitors and Hf common mode choke filtering reduce ripple and Hf noise from mains and rectifiers. In total there are 6 pi-filter sections in a Super6 to reduce Hf noise to a minimum before and after regulation. Low frequency noise (ripple) is fully eliminated by the double regulation and supercapacitors.
Foil Output Stage
The Super6 has a 150uF MKS foil capacitor output stage. MKS capacitors are used for stable operation and great sound quality whilst ESR is very low because of the absence of electrolytic capacitors. All of this provides an ultra fast delivery of power, a pitch-black background whilst maintaining operation over the full bandwidth.
Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breaker
Standard fitted in de Super6, this TMCB is mocking conventions when it comes to musicality, flow and musical reproduction in the most natural way. Spectaculair in being non-spectaculair... we simply adore it and are sure so will you!
Super Capacitor Power Bank
Supercaps tuned to the voltage of the power supply provide a capacitance of 2.3F (2.300.000uF) to 8.3F (8.300.000uF), depending on voltage. This bank acts like a virtual battery, supplying the final low noise regulation with total stable clean input power. The result is pure dc voltage with the lowest noise floor thinkable over the full bandwidth.
Voltage change service
New component, different operating voltage… Same Super6?
The Super6 is completely optimized for each output voltage. In need of another output voltage? In our workshop we can change both the power bank and transformer to have the Super6 operating with the new desired output voltage!
Order the Super6
We'll do our very best to make sure your Super6 is delivered as soon as possible. However, due to extreme high demand, a delivery time of around 4 weeks after ordering can be expected!