The performance of the Farad power supplies as well as any other power supply can be improved by using the right cables and fuses.

Farad developed two lines of DC power cables: Level 1 in copper as an initial upgrade DC cable and the top-of-the-line Level 2 in either copper or silver. Our DC cables are not only optimized for our own supplies, but for any power supply that make use of the GX16-4 or GX25-4 connector or C14 IEC-inlet.
You can find listening impressions of our DC cables here.

Also on offer is our AC power cable which proves to be a very cost-effective upgrade not only for our power supplies, but also on numerous other components. Highly recommended!

Proper ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’ is in some systems a must for the best sound. With our Earth Cables you can hook up any device to your ground box or other grounding system.

For a special thrill we supply fuses from Synergystic Research and Quantum Science Audio. Hearing is believing. Not only available for our power supplies, but also for your other audio components - just make sure you order the right value and size!
Over here you can read about our listening impressions of the fuses we offer.

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