About Farad

Farad Power Supplies is founded in 2019 by Mattijs de Vries. Mattijs has over 25 years of experience in the audio trade. Starting with NOS tubes, NOS components and numerous modifications the concept of designing and producing audio gear became inevitable.

In 2006 Pink Faun High End Audio saw the light with a mission statement that seems simple, but is very difficult to actually achieve: ‘No Sound, Just Music’. Having successfully stirred the business with many innovative products for many years, Mattijs wanted to return to his roots. Not only in terms of education (Master in applied physics, TU Twente), but also to the subject of which Mattijs says “This is what I truly and fully understand: the power supply.”

Somewhere in 2018 Mattijs had a clear concept for a Linear Power Supply. One following the likes of which he could say ‘properly designed, properly build, and performing like no other for a reasonable price’. This concept would turn into the Super3 that quickly made huge success and found many devoted users around the world.

The Super3 is joined by the Super10 and SuperATX power supplies with more to come in the near future. Designed and hand build in The Netherlands since 2019 with a mission statement from 2006 close to the heart.